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nAnB nCnD nEnF nGnH nInJ nKnL nMnN nOnP nQnR nSnT nUnV nWnX nYnZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
N national chalk-sticks 16
N national semiconductor 9
N NCS national consultancy 16
NA national AGENCIES +squar 35
NA national ASSOCIATES 21
NB national +oval 30
NBI national +square 16
NC national CHEMISTS +squar 35
NE national ELECTRIC 9
NE national electric 16
NEC national +oval 6
NEC national +oval & square 6
NEH national eye hospital 42
NEO national 19
NEX national energy exchang 39
NF national food +fruits 5
NFC national freight carrie 16
NFS national fighter sports 35
NI national +square 7
NI AT national institute 41
NICE national INSTITUTE 41
NIEM national institute 41
NIFM national institute 41
NIIT national it aptitude 16, 41
NJ national jewellers 14
NMC national +oval 7
NMI national stainless stee 21
NP national PERMIT +circle 14
NP national SINCE 1952 +sun 20
NP national bombay +sun 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 28
NP national plastic +sun 20
NP national power +circle 1, 4, 7, 9, 16, 19
NRW national rainwear 25
NS national SUN +circle 4
NSB national school +oval 35, 41
NSB national school banking 16
NTA national trades agencie 39
NTSC national talent search 41
ONTIME national academy 41
P.D. HINDUJA national 42
PAINTCO national +circle 2
PAMMI'S national BAKERS 43
PINGES pioneer in national 16
PITU-007 national 9
POLY national 9
PRAVEEN'S national 16
PRESTIGE national +ovals 19
RAJ national express +arcs 39
RELIANCE national logistics 42
RM national +circle 9
ROAMFREE national 38
ROYAL national 19
SANYO sf national +triangle 20
SARSIN nd national dawakhan 5
SENORA national 9
SISODIA'S national-g +girl 30
SN national STAR +star 7
SN national star +star 11
TIGER national 7
TOP TOUCH national institut 41
VV national +oval 16
W inter national +globe 9
WESTERN GRAND national 33
WPL national 9
ZAKIR'S national tea +oval 30
indian national GOLF ACADEM 28, 41
indian national KENNEL CLUB 16
n national +circle 10
n national +circle & flash 9
n national SKYLINE +crown 20
n KEG national 9
pf EBONY national quality 19
POST nationalist 16
ALL nations 14, 25
ALL nations FULL GOSPEL 14, 25
BIONA native secrets 5
KAVINAYA natiyalaya +feet 41
CHYAWAN natkhat 5
HAJMOLA CANDY natkhat nimbu 5
baba BUSH natkhat firoz 30
natmate WITH NEEM +leaf 3
natraj 9, 31
natraj +god 42
natraj cables +sun & idol 9
N.C. +natraj 26
NAGPAL natraj 7
NATRAJ +natraj 16
NATRAJ BRAND +natraj 14, 30
SI natraj +oval 29
VHB natuaral 5
natur HOUSE +lamps 42
natur produkt +tree 5
natura BEM ESTAR BEM 3
LEO natura 11
airier natura +arcs & arrow 11
naturaelle organic +leaf 3, 5
natural & pure +leaf circle 3, 5
natural & soft +leaf circle 3, 5
natural +plant & bird 30
natural AAMCHOOS 32
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